
根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确. when, visit, good, they, never, both, tied, about, special, soDear Larry,It was lovely to hear from you again and to know that things are going 【1】 with you.Thanks for telling me all 【2】the Chinese Moon Festival. It sounds like you enjoyed a great party in Inner Mongolia(内蒙古).It makes me think of the festival we took part in 【3】 we traveled in South Africa. The people there kept many goats(山羊), as well as sheep and cows.Beef was expensive and was only for very 【4】 time. In all下列关于图灰色部分解读正确的是 A.武昌起义后,清朝统治土崩瓦解 B.八七会议后,发动城市武装暴动和起义 C.秋收起义后,创建农村革命根据地 D.全面抗战后,开辟敌后抗日根据地
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