
如图所示,用波长为的单色光照射某金属,调节变阻器, 当电压表的示数为某值时,电流表的示数恰好减小为零;再用波长为的单色光重复上述实验,当电压表的示数增加到原来的3倍时,电流表的示数又恰好减小为零。已知普朗克常数为h,真空中光速为c。该金属的逸出功为( )A. B. C. D. 答案:【答案】B【解析】根据光电效应方程Ekm=h-W0,及Ekm=eUc;当用波长为λ0的单色光照射,则有:h-W0=eUc,当用波长为的单色光照射时,则有:h-W0=3eUc,联立上式解得:W0=,故ACD错误,B正确;故选B。 1.He promised not to tell anybody about my ____(秘密)。2. (知识)is power.3.It is necessary for us to ask questions _______(礼貌地).4.Don’t leave your bike outside. Someone may _______(偷)it.5.She knew the ____ (重要性) of working hard and not just to do what she enjoyed.6.I couldn’t decide _____(是否) or not to go to the party. 
物理 试题推荐