
The last Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day. It is a holiday in the U.S.A. Usually, family members and friends get together for a dinner. People sometimes drive their cars a long way for a family reunion(团聚). Many people also take Friday off and make it a long weekend holiday, because most Americans do not work on Saturdays and Sundays.Thanksgiving Day began in 1621, when the first English settlers(定居者) reached the New World. They did not have enough food. But the American Indians helped the white men and taught them how to farm.In the autumn after the English settlers came to 查字典填空。1.如果不认识“瑟”字,可以用____查字法来查字典,先查____部,再查____画。在“半江瑟瑟半江红”中“瑟瑟”的意思是____(①发抖 ②青绿色)。(填序号)2.“缘”用音序查字法先查_____,再查____;部首查字法先查____部,再查____画,在“只缘身在此山中”中“缘”的意思是___,在“无缘无故”中“缘”的意思是____。
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