
Everyone loves toys. But do you know how a toy is designed and made? A visit to Yottoy, a toy company in New York, can show you how to do this. Yottoy produces toys from children's books. These toys include Paddington Bear, Little Prince and Mary's Little Lamb.Peter Doodeheefver, who designs the toys, took us around his shop to see how the toys are created. We visited a sewing (缝纫) station. People there were busy sewing some toys together. Later, we saw another station where a woman was painting pieces of a Paddington Bear toy set. Here, we learned how they use clay (黏土) and molds (模11.除去下列各组物质中的少量杂质,所选试剂或方法正确的是(  )选顼物质杂质(少量)试剂或方法AH20色素活性炭BMn02KCl溶解、过滤、洗涤、烘干CN202通过红热的木炭DC02CO点燃A.AB.BC.CD.D
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