
阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Have you ever seen a car without a driver? It sounds crazy, but these computer-driven driverless cars will soon be filling roads near you. Some big companies have been designing and testing these cars. The first robot-taxis with no drivers are planned to hit the road, and it is said that more than 10,000 driverless vehicles will be in use around the world by 2021.The cars have sensors (传感器), including radar and GPS, which allows the cars to “ see” moving objects, like ca诗歌默写(10分)小题1:常建《题破山寺后禅院》中写出不仅使鸟儿欢悦,而且令人杂念顿消的诗句是:                      ,                          。小题2:杜甫的《登岳阳楼》,把洞庭湖的气象描绘得壮阔而又生动的诗句是:                           ,                     。小题3:《黄鹤楼》一文用了8句对偶句,或铺陈,或夸张,或比喻,对黄鹤楼进行多角度的描写。如用“            ,             ”一组对偶句,强调了黄鹤楼名称由来之证据充足。小题4:《赵普》一文中写赵普刻苦读书的语句:               ,          小题5:现在,先生是死了!                  ,                 ;我们也不愿计算我们的损失,这是难于计算的。
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