
Owls live in almost every country in the world. Most owls don’t sleep at night. When they fly, you can’t hear them. They are very quiet. Owls are good at hunting(捕猎). They eat a lot of things such as mice, snakes, small birds and even fish. Owls have very good hearing. That helps them to hunt well in dark places. Their eyes are special. Both of their eyes face front. They can see very far away. There are facial disks(面盘) around their eyes. These facial disks can help with their hearing. Owls can turn their heads 270°. That helps them see what’s going on all around them. Mayb 若集合,集合,则“m=2”是“”的 A.充分不必要条件       B.必要不充分条件 C.充分必要条件     D.既不充分也不必要条件
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