
短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。 have, photo, know, usual, long, begin, inventor, many, will, itHave you ever seen a hitchhiker(搭便车的旅行者) standing by the side of a road? Now drivers in Canada might see an 【1】 hitchhiker : a hitchhiking robot which is called Hitchbot. One of its 【2】, David Harris Smith, has hitched across Canada three times. Smith and a friend, Frauke Zeller, have built Hitchbot because they wanted to see if people 【3】 stop and give the robot a lift and talk to it.The robot can chat about things it 微量元素在人体内的含量低于0.01%,但对维持生命活动,促进生长发育有极其重要的作用。关于微量元素,下列说法错误的是   (  )。A.食用加碘食盐以防止碘缺乏病 B.使用铁锅炒菜可以减少贫血病的发生 C.保持科学的饮食习惯,全面摄入各种微量元素 D.多吃各种营养品,以增大微量元素的吸收
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