
在安装家庭电路时,如果不小心使控制白炽灯的开关内的两根电线相接触,闭合开关后熔丝将______(选填“会”或“不会”)熔断;如图为小红手拿测电笔检测电路的示意图,其中正确的是图________。 答案:【答案】 不会 甲【解析】控制白炽灯的开关内的两根电线如果接触了,相当于开关闭合,电路接通,形成通路,故不会熔断保险丝。使用测电笔时,笔尖接触被检测的导线,手接触笔尾金属体,甲图正确,符合测电笔的使用方法;乙图错误,因为手没有接触笔尾金属体,即使笔尖接触火线,氖管也不Anger is good for you, as long as you control it properly, according to new psychology research.A new study from Carnegie Mellon University ___1__ anger may help you ____2___ the negative effects of stress and help you become healthier.        “Here getting emotional is not bad for you if you look at the case of anger.” Said Jennifer Lerner of Carnegie Mellon.“The more you display anger, the lower your ____3___ responses.”        Lerner studied 92 UCLA students by asking them to count back from 6,200.They must say out loud every 13th number.Researchers interfered with them by asking them to __4____ faster or ask them other questions.If they made any ___5___ , they had to restart from the very beginning.Many students felt depressed about making so many mistakes or got angry ____6___ the researchers were ____7___ them.        Lerner used a ___8___ video camera and recorded all their facial __9___ during the test.The researchers ____10___ their reactions as fear, anger and disgust.Other members recorded the students’ blood pressure, pulse and production of a high- stress hormone called cortisol.        People whose faces showed more ____11____ during the experiment had higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone.Both can have lasting effects such as diabetes (糖尿病), heart disease, depression and weight gain.When people fear, negative impacts ____12____, but when they get angry, those negatives go down, according to the ____13____.“ Having that sense of anger ____14___ people to actually feel some power in what ____15____ is a maddening situation.” Lerner said.        Lerner previously studied Americans’ emotional response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks two months after the incident.He found people who reacted with ____16____ were more optimistic.These people are healthier ____17___ with those who were frightened during the event.        So in maddening ___18____, anger is not a ___19____ thing to have.It’s a ____20___ response than fear. 1.A.shows                  B.suggests              C.expresses            D.insists 2.A.drop                     B.reduce                 C.lose                    D.throw 3.A.mistake                 B.sadness               C.stress                  D.anger 4.A.read                      B.write                   C.speak                  D.count 5.A.mistakes               B.decisions             C.changes              D.losses 6.A.unless                   B.because               C.if                        D.until 7.A.watching               B.stopping              C.interrupting          D.recording 8.A.rented                   B.stolen                  C.borrowed            D.hidden 9.A.spots                    B.points                  C.expressions         D.smiles 10.A.chose                  B.regarded              C.treated                D.described 11.A.fear                     B.anger                  C.regret                  D.happiness 12.A.decrease              B.increase               C.climb                  D.spread 13.A.plan                    B.method                C.study                  D.project 14.A.hopes                  B.leads                   C.lets                     D.drives 15.A.actually               B.really                   C.otherwise            D.luckily 16.A.pain                    B.joy                      C.sorrow                D.anger 17.A.compared            B.comparing           C.satisfied              D.connected 18.A.situations             B.conditions            C.positions             D.persons 19.A.bad                     B.good                   C.proper                 D.wonderful 20.A.shorter                B.bigger                 C.faster                  D.healthier
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