
(B) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。【1】Mary happened to meet one of her old friends and invited him ___ (go) to her new house.【2】Although the meal was cold, it tasted _____(well).【3】You will feel happy when someone_____ (smile) at you in a strange place.【4】Mr. Smith _____(seem) to be pleased with the new student called John.【5】Olympic rings stand for five parts of the world, they are Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and _____(American).读图,回答问题.(1)北回归线自西向东依次穿过云、 、_______、台。(填省级行政区简称)(2)我国陆上相邻的国家有14个,其中⑤是_______(国);⑥是________(国)。(3)三沙市是我国为了维护和开发南海诸岛而设置的,驻扎在这里的人们每年都要面临的气象灾害有( )A.台风 B.寒潮 C.沙尘暴 D.海啸(4)简述蒙古的海陆位置特点。简述海陆位置对其气候的影响(5)结合图,写出我国的纬度位置,并分析我国纬度位置的优越性?
英语 试题推荐