
Shirley was a shy girl and she seldom answered questions in our class. She was afraid of making mistakes(犯错误). Sometimes she couldn' t finish her homework because she didn't want to make any mistakes. ①Nothing changed until Mr Smith,a new teacher, came to our class.One morning, Mr Smith asked Shirley to answer some questions. After a while, she was in tears because she gave the wrong answers. At that time, Mr Smith took out a small box.②盒子里装满了橡皮。 Look, Shirley, he said, standing next to her. I have something to show you. He took out the erasers and put them on the如图所示,某货场需将质量m1=50kg的货物(可视为质点)从高处运送至地面,为避免货物与地面发生撞击,现利用光滑倾斜轨道SP、竖直面内弧形光滑轨道PQ,使货物由倾斜轨道顶端距底端高度h=1m处无初速度滑下.两轨道相切于P, 倾斜轨道与水平面夹角为θ=600, 弧形轨道半径R=2m,末端切线水平.地面上紧靠轨道依次排放两块完全相同的木板A、B,长度均为l=4m,质量均为m2=50kg,木板上表面与弧形轨道末端Q相切.货物与木板间的动摩擦因数为μ1,木板与地面间的动摩擦因数μ2=0.12.(不考虑货物与各轨道相接处能量损失,最大静摩擦力与滑动摩擦力大小相等,取g=10m/s2)(1)求货物到达弧形轨道始、末端时对轨道的压力.(2)若货物滑上木板A时,木板不动,而滑上木板B时,木板B开始滑动,求μ1应满足的条件.(3)若μ1=0.30,求货物滑上木板后与木板系统所能产生的热量.
英语 试题推荐