
The moon is more useful than the sunJames is thirty now. He has found a job in a factory. He can't do anything _____ he didn't study hard when he was at school. He doesn't like to _____ his head and plays all _____ time when he's free. So he has to do heavy work in the factory to look _____ the storehouse(库房).He's often _____ and can't sleep at night. So he feels _____ in the daytime. He doesn't like _____ work.One morning,after he left the storehouse,he hoped to _____ at once. On his way _____ home,he saw some people ______ in the street. He stopped ______ what was the matter. A few _____从战国时期“百家争鸣”到西汉时期“独尊儒术”的文化体制与思想局面的转变里,我们能够看到 ( )①大一统局面的形成 ②古代学术思想自由发展的终结③中国传统文化主流思想的确立 ④中央集权的加强和自然经济的鼎盛A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④
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