
(题文)阅读下列材料,结合所学知识回答下列问题: 材料一:分工、水利特别是蒸汽机的利用、机器的应用,这就是从18世纪中叶起,工业用来震撼旧世界基础的三个伟大杠杆。 ――恩格斯《英国工人阶级状况》材料二:资产阶级在它的不到一百年的阶级统治中创造的生产力,比过去一切世代所创造的全部生产力还要多。——《共产党宣言》请回答:(1) 材料一涉及到的工业领域内的变革,被称作什么? (2)这场革命开始的标志是什么?这一 阅读理解   It was Christmas, and there was a big party in the house.   Guests(客人)came and went, but the party went on.Then the bell rang.Several people shouted,“Come in!”A small man opened the front door and came in.Nobody knew him but the host(主人)went to meet him and took him to have a drink.The man sat there happily for an hour and a half and drank.Then he suddenly stopped and looked at the host.“Do you know?”he said,“Nobody asked me to this party.I don't know you.I don't know your wife and any of your guests.My wife and I wanted to go out in our car.But one of your guests' cars was in front of our gate, so I came here to find him and my wife is waiting in our car for me to come back.” (1) When the bell rang, the guests ________. [  ] A. were shouting B. were singing and dancing C. were enjoying themselves D. were waiting for the small man (2) The host ________ after the small man came in. [  ] A. was glad to see him B. asked him to have a drink C. didn't find him D. knew who he was (3) The small man knew ________ in the house. [  ] A. one of the people B. some of the people C. all the people D. nobody at the party (4) The small man went to the house ________. [  ] A. to find a man B. to have a drink C. to have a party D. to see what was happening (5) Maybe the small man's wife got angry because ________. [  ] A. he drank too much B. he couldn't find the man C. he didn't take her to the party D. he kept her waiting for a long time
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