
Forget about all the other Christmas music acts for a while because all eyes are on a young star.It’s none other than (正是) David and Victoria Beckham’s youngest son?Cruz Beckham.In earlier December, Cruz released his debut single(单曲) called If Every Day Was Christmasonline. It quickly captured the public’s attention attention with its catchy (朗朗上口的) tune. “It’s amazing to combine two of my favorite things together?singing and Christmas.” Said the young singer during an interview. And he also wanted to give the money he earned from the sale of the single to charity读世界不同地区或国家的地理事物景观图,判断回答以下小题。1.图中①②③④地理事物景观所在地区或国家分别是A.日本、美国、东南亚、巴西 B.巴西、欧洲西部、中东、美国C.日本、欧洲西部、中东、澳大利亚 D.澳大利亚、美国、印度、东南亚2.对图中①-④所在地区或国家的描述,对应正确的一组是A.①——世界惟一独占一块大陆的国家B.②——深受大西洋暖湿气流的影响,还有典型的地中海气候分布C.③——有世界上最大的高原和最大的淡水湖群D.④——多火山地震发生,是民族大容炉的缩影
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