
Our school lies in the 【1】(east) part of America. Two【2】(three) of the students are Americans. The rest of them are foreign students, including Italians, Australians, 【3】(India) and so on. At the beginning of the first term, I felt lonely and didn’t know how to make friends. I 【4】(simple) couldn’t find right words to reach them. I kept myself away from them and avoided 【5】(greet) them. One night, when I was lying on the playground, Mike came up to me. He was【6】(wise) than any other student in our class. He s【7】hands with me and shared a lot with me. I realized w暑期持续的高温天气,居民家中的空调、电扇都闲不住,导致电路火灾时有发生,起火原因如出一辙:电线超负荷使电线内的金属导线发热引燃了外面的绝缘皮.根据学过的物理知识回答:(1)“超负荷”是指电路中的______过大(选填“电流”或“电阻”).(2)请你提出一条预防这种火灾发生应采取什么措施______.
英语 试题推荐