
小亮利用以下器材:电源(电压恒为6V)、滑动变阻器、开关各一个,电压表、电流表各一只,三个定值电阻R1、R2、R3,大小分别为10Ω、15Ω、20Ω,导线若干,来探究“电流与电阻的关系”。(1)图甲是小明连接的实物电路,图中有一根导线连接错误,请你在连接错误的导线上打“×”并补画出正确的连线______。(2)电路连接正确后,闭合开关后,移到滑片,使与电阻(20Ω)并联的电压表示数为4V,读出电流表示数,再分别改接15Ω、10Ω的电阻,重复上述实根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。If I f 1. this test, I will let my parents down. Tests! They can be totally stressful (充满压力的). Do you know that these days, students in the USA takem 2. tests than ever before? It seems that no matter what grade or school you’re in, you’re always taking tests. And if you get nervous before or during a test, you’re not a 3. . In fact, even students who do great in schoolwork can havet 4. with the exam. We have lots of great a 5. to help you. Kitty, 11, told us, “When I have a t 6. , I do get pretty stressed sometimes. You’d bettera 7. your teachers for help. Parents can also give you much help. If you have time, talk about it w 8. a partner .”Alyssa, 12, said, “When I get stressed during a test, I will s 9. studying for a while and take a couple of deep breaths.__10.___ do I solve it ?
物理 试题推荐