
A project in Gambia is empowering women and reducing dangerous waste at the same time.The Waste Innovation Center, funded by the European Union’s Global Climate Change Alliance,shows women in the Brikama area how to recycle waste into useful materials and products, which they can then sell in local markets.Wood-like waste is recycled into charcoal (木炭),for example,which can be used to supersede firewood and reduce the number of trees that are cut down for firewood. Food waste is recycled into compost(混合肥料)to function as environmentally friendly fertilizers and plastic is 某同学分别用如图所示的(a)、(b)两种方法挑着同一个物体行走,(a)图中肩受到的压力    (b)图中受到的压力;(a)图中手施加的动力    (b)图中手施加的动力(选填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”).
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