
It's nice to have friends.How can you make friends with others and get on well with your friends?【1】First,spend much time with other people.If you want to make friends,you need to meet people first.【2】 People who have the same hobbies can be friends easily.Second,try to be a good listener and learn to smile.It's important to show that you are interested in others.【3】 I'm sure you will have many friends by doing so.【4】 After you decide to make friends with someone,you must care about him or her.You should know that a true friend reaches for your hand and touches your h下列常用词语中字音有错误的一组是A.角色jué熨贴yùn寓情于景yù 鹜蚌相争yùB.卖儿鬻女yù断瓦残垣yuán啁啾zhōu压轴zhòuC.贮藏zhù莺啼鸟啭zhuàn撰稿zhuàn口角juéD.角斗jué角逐jué倔强juéjiàng崛起jué
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