
选词填空 从方框中选择合适的单词并用适当形式填入下列句子中。(其中有两项多余) advise,solve,else,upset,advice,teenager,care,certainly,trust,experience advise,solve,else,upset,advice,teenager,care,certainly,trust,experience There are always lots of worries in our life.When I was a(n) 【1】,Mom said to me,“It's normal to have worries in life.Don't worry.Wait!One day your luck will change.Then you'll 【2】 your problems.” At the age of 21,I graduated (毕业) from a college.One day,I wanted to host (主持) a 22、巴西的里约热内卢获得了2016年第31届夏季奥运会的举办权,这将是奥运会首次在南美洲举行。结合图,回答下题。 图中R处平原的自然景观是 A.森林茂密             B.沙漠戈壁             C.冰天雪地             D.草场广布
英语 试题推荐