
近年来,随着人们生活水平的提高,消费者对商品的品质和品牌更加重视,大白兔奶糖、雅霜雪花膏、回力运动鞋等陪伴了几代中国人的老字号日益走红,在创新中焕发出新的活力。若P和Q分别代表价格和数量,D和D’分别代表变化前后的需求,不考虑其他因素,下列图示能体现上述国产老字号需求变化的是( )A. B.C. D.The Macintosh family is in England. Mr. Macintosh is a farmer (农场主). He has three people help him on the farm. They help him look after the animals (照顾动物). Mrs. Macintosh is a teacher. She teaches math. She can play the piano and the guitar. Mr. and Mrs. Macintosh have one son and one daughter. Their son’s name is Tom and their daughter’s name is Fiona. Tom and Fiona like music very much. Tom can play the guitar and his sister, Fiona, can play the piano. Tom and Fiona go to the school music club every Wednesday. Next month they will play for all the teachers and students in their school. Mrs. Macintosh is very happy for them. Mr. Macintosh can’t play the guitar or the piano but he can sing. Sometimes, the family plays and sings together (在一起) after dinner in the evening. That’s Mr. Macintosh’s favorite family activity (活动).根据材料内容选择最佳答案。【1】How many people help Mr. Macintosh on the farm?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.【2】What subject does Mrs. Macintosh teach?A. Math. B. P.E. C. Music. D. English.【3】When do Tom and Fiona go to the school music club?A. Every Monday.B. Every Wednesday.C. Every Thursday.D. Every Sunday.【4】What is Mr. Macintosh’s favorite family activity?A. The family has dinner together.B. The family watches TV together.C. The family plays sports together.D. The family plays and sings together.【5】What can we know from the passage?A. Tom has a family of four.B. Mr. Macintosh can’t sing well.C. Mrs. Macintosh can play the violin.D. Fiona doesn’t like going to the music club.
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