
阅读下面的文言文,完成下面小题。夏侯尚宇伯仁,渊从子也。文帝与之亲友。太祖定翼州,尚为军司马,将骑从征伐,后为五官将文学。魏国初建,迁黄门侍郎。代郡胡叛,遣鄢陵后彰征讨之,以尚参彰军事,定代地,还。太祖崩于洛阳,尚持节,奉梓宫还邺。并录前功,封平陵亭侯,拜散骑常侍,迁中领军。文帝践阼,更封平陵乡侯,迁征南将军,领荆州刺史,假节,都督南方诸军事。尚奏:“刘备别军在上庸山道险难彼不我虞若以奇兵潜行出其用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 A) advantage 1. Her teaching experience gives her an ____ when working with children. 2. Anyone not familiar with the Internet is at a serious ____ nowadays. B) graduate 3. After ____ from Yale University, he went to work in a famous company in the city. 4. It is not so easy for college ____ to find a good job as it used to. 5. After ____ she worked as a research chemist in a local chemistry lab. C) organize 6. This is an ____ set up in the 1970's to improve women's position in the workplace. 7. Up to now we still have no idea who is ____ the conference. 8. Everybody agreed that it was a well ____ activity. D) determine 9. Baxter is ____ that this year things will be different. 10. It was with courage and ____ that they defeated all the difficulties. 11. From the ____ look on her face, we know she will never change her mind.
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