
最近,有关食品安全报道屡见报端。请你以“Food Safety”为题目,结合生活实际写一篇英语短文,简单发表自己的观点和看法。注意:1.词数不少于110; 2.用词准确,条理清晰; 3.相关词汇:不合格poor-qualified food;不合法的illegal;摊位stands;吃零食nibbling between meals. 答案:【答案】Recently we have seen series of reports that involved poor-qualified food. For example, some milk powder contains Melamine which is harmful to us, especially to babies. In order not to be affected, we should bear some tips in mind.It is not wise to buy any kind of food from illegal stands along streets. On the other hand, we should get rid of the habit of nibbling between meals. Becaus 在19世纪上半期,欧洲流行着这样的说法:“史蒂姆(Steam,即蒸汽机)是英国人。”对这句话的准确理解是 ①当时使用蒸汽机的都是英国人 ②以蒸汽为动力的机器都是英国发明的 ③当时的英国已广泛使用蒸汽机 ④蒸汽机的出现是英国工业革命的象征 [  ] A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④
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