
利用如图甲所示的装置探究固体物质熔化时温度的变化规律,在0~35min内对物质加热,得到如图乙所示的温度随时间变化的图像。下列说法正确的是( )A.该物质在15~20min内没有吸收热量B.该物质在熔化过程中温度不变,内能不变C.该物质熔点为80℃,熔化过程持续了大约15minD.除图甲中器材外,还需要用到的测量器材有天平和停表Ⅶ. Choose and complete the dialogue.(选择合适的句子补全对话。)   A. Do you want to play ping-pong with me?   B. It's time for dinner.   C. Let's go to the playground.   D. Just a minute (稍等一'会儿) .   E. What time is it now? A:School is over. 1. B:Yes,I do.A:2. B:It's 4:50. A:3. B: Great!C: Go home,kids. It's 6:00. 4. A&B:Oh! 5.
物理 试题推荐