
Cedar, a third-generation beekeeper from the countryside of New South Wales, Australia, says that he was inspired to try and design a simpler hive (蜂箱) after his brother was stung (蜇) during one of their honey-gathering tasks.The young guy knew that there must be a clever way to gather honey without having to wear protective suits, open the hive, and disturb the little bees. After several years, Cedar and his father Stuart finally perfected their invention—the Flow Hive, which can save beekeepers hours of work simply by channeling all of its honey into a tap that can be turned on and o6.如图是对几种动物的相同点进行比较归纳(圆圈交叉部分为相同点),下列叙述正确的是(  )A.Ⅰ是真正的陆生脊椎动物B.Ⅱ是有性生殖,体内受精,卵生如图是对几种动物的相同C.Ⅲ是有辅助呼吸器官的生物D.Ⅳ是完全变态发育
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