
从2011年9月开始,一场名为“占领华尔街”的民众抗议运动从纽约爆发,随即蔓延全美。该运动最突出的口号是“99%反对1%”。所谓“1%”指占据社会财富40%的美国超级富豪与权势阶层,他们引发了金融危机还得到政府巨额救助;99%指无权无势的民众,他们承受了金融危机的苦果。这从一个侧面反映出( )A.资本主义国家并非“超阶级”的国家B.资本主义国家民主共和制已逐步失效C.资本主义政治统治秩序已无法维持D.资本主义国家只为某个利益集团服务词汇运用,根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)1.The doctors are trying their best to save(救) all these people’s ___________ (life).2.Doing morning ___________ (exercise) is good for our health3.We go to visit the old man _____________(two) a week4.We have an after-school ___________(activity) at school every day.5.You should practise ___________ (speak) English every day.6.Eating more ______________(西红柿) is good for our health.7.He ____________(似乎) very happy. What’s the matter?8.You should exercise_______________ (much)and watch less TV.9.Thank you for ___ ___ (celebrate) the festival with us.10.Too much ________(糖) in food is bad for teeth.
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