
Middle school students in China usually have some problems, such as stress, anger and loneliness. There are d【1】 causes of these problems. One of them is too much homework. It seems that a student’s homework is never done. Many students can h【2】 find any time for their hobbies. They all hope to achieve a balance between schoolwork and their hobbies. But it’s difficult to achieve this goal, so they feel s【3】 about that.Another is endless e【4】. Some of them are too difficult for students to get high marks. Some students even d【5】their abilities when they fail in the tests(题文)阅读名著片段,回答问题。 现在,怎能占点便宜,他就怎办。多吸人家一支烟卷,买东西使出个假铜子去,喝豆汁多吃几块咸菜,都使他觉到满意。他也学会跟朋友们借钱,借了还不想还;逼急了他可以耍无赖。起初人家都知道他是好体面讲信用的人,所以他一张嘴,就把钱借到。他利用着这点人格的残余到处去借,借着如白捡,借到手便顺手儿花去。人家要债,他会作出极可怜的样子去央求宽限,这样一来,他连一个铜子也借不到了。他开始去骗钱花,凡是以前他所混过的宅门,他都去拜访,主人也好,仆人也好,见面他会编一套谎,骗几个钱;没有钱,他央求赏给点破衣服,衣服到手马上也变了钱,钱马上变了烟酒;他竟变成这个样子。 (1)上述文字选自《__________》 ,作者是(__________) (2)选文从三方面写祥子的无赖,依据提示,补充内容。爱占小便宜→________→________
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