
听一段材料, 回答以下小题。【1】Why did the speaker go to a language school?A. To teach English. B. To learn some English. C. To see his friends from America.【2】How many days a week did the speaker go to the language school?A. Five days. B. Six days. C. Seven days.【3】What did the speaker do one day during the break?A. Asked for something to eat.B. Thanked Alice for the cake.C. Asked Alice a question.【4】What did the speaker think after Alice answered the question?A. Alice was very helpful.B. Alice wanted something else except a piece of cake.C. America was really a 阅读下面一则文言短文,完成后面题目。罗一峰先生,名伦,以孝廉①赴会试。仆于途中拾一金镯。行已五日,先生忧旅费不给②,仆曰:“无虑也,向于山东某处拾一金镯,可质为费。”先生怒,欲亲赍③付还。仆叩首,且屈指曰:“往返必误场期,不可。”先生曰:“此必婢仆遗失,万一主人拷讯,因而致死,是谁之咎?吾宁不会试,不忍令人死于非命也。”竟寻至其家,果系妇遗面盆,而婢误投于地者。主妇疑婢窃取,鞭笞流血,几次寻死。夫复疑妻有私,辱骂不休,妻亦愤怒投缳④,赖人解救。先生至,出镯与之,举家感激。急行至京,试期已届⑤矣,仓皇投卷,竟得中试,状元及第。【注释】①孝廉:“举人”的别称。 ②给:充足。 ③赍(jī):以物送人。④投缳:上吊自杀。⑤届:到。【1】翻译下列句子。①向于山东某处拾一金镯,可质为费。②先生至,出镯与之,举家感激。【2】请你简单概括罗先生是一个怎样的人。
英语 试题推荐