
听短文,从下题中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。A busy weekMondayGo to my cousin’s birthday partyTuesday__Wednesday__ThursdayStudy for my __ testFridayGo to the movies 【1】A. Go to the dentist B. Play basketball C. English【2】A. Go to the museum B. Play tennis C. Have a test【3】A. Maths B. Arts C. Chinese 答案:【答案】【1】 A 【2】 B 【3】 A 【解析】Hi, Harry,Thank you for your invitation to visit your home next week. I’m sorry, but I can’t come. I have a really busy week. This evening I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. And tomorrow I have to go to the dentist. On Wednesday, I’m going to play tennis with the school team. And I have to study for my Maths test on Thursday. On氘和氚是核聚变的原料(氘、氚原子核内都只有1个质子,但含不同数目的中子),聚变发生后,氘、氚原子核转变为氦原子核.根据以上叙述,下列说法正确的是(  )A.氘原子和氚原子的相对原子质量相同B.氘原子和氚原子是氢的两种同位素C.氘原子和氚原子属于不同元素D.核聚变是化学变化
英语 试题推荐