
A wealthy man love his son very much. As he wanted his son to lead a happy life, he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness.When the old man learnt about his ___, he handed the boy an empty bowl and said, “Go to the river miles away and ___ it with water, I will tell you about it ___ no water is spilt(洒)when you reach here.” Although the boy was very surprised at this, he had no choice but to ___ his task.The boy ___ on foot for the river and some time later came back with a bowl of water. The old man asked him, “Did you notice the beautiful flowers al“赫赫始祖,吾华肇造。胄衍祀绵,岳峨河浩。聪明睿知,光被遐荒。建此伟业,雄立东方。”此诗是纪念谁的碑文A.黄帝B.大禹C.蚩尤D.女娲
英语 试题推荐