
改革开放40年,中国教育不断改革,不断破旧立新。进入新时代,教育改革和发展应着力解决教育发展面临的不平衡不充分的问题,守住公平公正的底线。材料一:随着我国社会经济的快速发展,校外培训行业呈现井喷式发展。校外培训在满足中小学生多元化教育需求的同时,也存在违法违规经营、应试超前教育、逐利性过强等问题,造成学生课外负担过重,增加了家庭经济负担。2018 年2月教育部开展校外培训机构专项治理行动。材料二:随着互联网Find out a mistake in the following sentence and correct it(找出句中的错误,并改正): 例:Marx could not only write in English but also in French when he was in his twenties. 答案:A,could write not only People were used to count with fongers a long time ago. [  ] A.were used   B.to count    C.with  D.ago
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