
At the age of two,our kids began to help us with housework.They helped ______ their toys and clean the house.Now Kate can make her bed,______ the clothes and set(布置) the table.Last week,she ______ for us.We were happy because it was delicious.I like getting kids to start early for a few ______.First,it is fun for kids to offer help.Two-year-olds like to work ______ the same things as their parents.They want to stay with their parents doing things by themselves.It's a good time to ______ them to help you when you are busy.Second,it's never too ______ for them to learn that t4.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是(  )           ,       ,       。       。       。       。可见,啮齿动物在生态系统的建设、维护、恢复等方面担负着不可替代的职责,起到不容忽视的作用。①而它们贮藏食物的行为帮了森林的忙,它们把果实埋藏在距离母树较远的地方,帮助树木传播了种子②没有了它们,也就不会有那么多形形色色的蛇类、猛禽类以及猫科、犬科、鼬科动物了③当啮齿类动物吞噬果实的时候,种子也随之散布到更远的地方④啮齿类动物最大的贡献就在于它们是大自然的基石,是生态系统不可缺失的一环⑤绝太多数肉食类动物都以它们为主要食物⑥而且有些植物的种子必须经过老鼠或其他动物的消化道才能萌发。A.④②⑤①③⑥B.④⑤②①③⑥C.⑤②①③⑥④D.②⑤①③⑥④
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