
用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。 student, with, go, decide, surprise, guess, start, serious, about, joke, why, happy One time my dad decided to achieve his dreams, so he joined the Peace Corps and flew to Tanzania. Three years ago, my mom 【1】 to get a divorce (离婚). My dad was hurt and 【2】. When I first went to visit him after the divorce, I was nervous. I thought he might be angry or he would say terrible things 【3】 my mom.It turned out I 【4】 wrong. When we met, my dad hugged me warmly and couldn’t wait to ha据学者研究,甲午战争之前的300年中,日本翻译中国书籍有129种之多;但是之后的十几年中,日本翻译中国书籍仅有16种,而中国翻译日本书籍却达到了958种,其中多数为政治.法律类书籍。造成这一变化的主要原因是(    ) A.《马关条约》规定中国必须进口日本图书  B.日本为进一步侵略中国制造政治舆论 C.日本的文化交流政策由开放转向封闭     D.中国知识分子主张通过日本学习西方
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