
Stuart works as a lawyer in a law firm(律师事务所).There is a lot of________at work and he is busy nearly every day.One day, he________stressed out and wanted to find a way to relax. So he decided________a long, hot bath. He filled the bathtub________water and slowly laid down in it.A few minutes later. Just as Stuart started feeling________, the doorbell rang. He didn’t want to leave the bathtub. But he still got out, put on his slippers and robes(浴衣)and went to the door. A salesman at the door wanted to know ________he needed any shoes. Stuart was very angry. He already ha6.篮球由静止开始下落,反弹的高度与哪些因素有关?小林与大家一起对这个问题进行了讨论,提出了不同的猜想.猜想1:篮球反弹的高度可能与球的型号(指篮球的质量和直径)有关;猜想2:篮球反弹的高度可能与下落的高度有关;猜想3:篮球反弹的高度可能与地面材料有关;请你提出另一种猜想,猜想4:篮球反弹的高度可能与篮球的充气情况有关.于是,小林用两只充足气的#7(标准男子)、#6(标准女子)篮球及刻度尺,在水泥地面和木制地板上进行了实验.通过实验,得到的实验数据如表:实验序号球的型号下落高度/cm地面材料反弹高度/cm1#7120木质802#7120水泥903#7150水泥1104#6120木质80(1)要验证猜想1,需要选用实验序号为1、4的两组数据进行分析.(2)通过他的实验数据,可得到的结论是:篮球反弹的高度与下落高度、地面材料有关.
英语 试题推荐