
No leaves are exactly (确切地)the same in the world .Nobody in the world is the same ______you .You are unique (唯一的),Everybody is _______from others .That is good ,_______it makes the world an interesting place .Some people are taller than you ,but others are ________than you .Maybe your hair is the same color as your friend’s ,but it_________be longer than hers .I am sure you have ______ friends who are smarter than you .And you also have some friends who are as _______at sports as you .But there are also some people around you who are not good at some things ._______does2011年3月13日,日本福岛地震引发核泄露事故,日前在其周围环境中已经检测到的放射性物质中有钚-239符号Pu、铯-137符号CS,碘-131符号I,下列叙述错误的是(  )A.94238Pu和94244Pu属于同一种元素,它们互为同位素B.137CS和134CS是不同的核素,它们的质子数相等C.55134Cs和53134I的质量数相等,它们的中子数不等D.53134I和53131I的电子数相等,中子数也相等
英语 试题推荐