
阅读材料,完成下列要求。 中国古诗词中既有修身明志的警言佳句,也有风花雪月的绵柔细语,在中国文化史上有着不可替代的地位,是中国灿烂文化遗产中的瑰宝,是中华文化发展的根基。 《中国诗词大会》是由中央电视台科教频道自主研发的一档大型演播室文化益智节目,是央视首档全民参与的诗词节目,节目以“赏中华诗词、寻文化基因、品生活之美”为基本宗旨,力求通过对诗词知识的比拼及赏析,带动全民重温那些曾经学过的古诗词,分 Mr Smith is sixty-one years old. He is retired (退休的), but he still lives a b1. life. He usually gets up at 6 a.m. After breakfast, he takes a w2. in the park. On his way home, he b3. a newspaper. He always reads it a4.lunch.Mr Smith can play the guitar very well. He is a m5.of a band (乐队). From 9 a.m. to 11:30 am, he practises p6. the guitar with his friends at a garage (车库).At 12 o’clock, Mr Smith goes back home and starts to c7. lunch. After lunch, he reads the newspaper. W8. he finishes reading it, he plays the guitar again.Mr Smith’s band gives a concert (音乐会) at the old people’s home once a month. Every time, before the concert, Mr Smith n9. eats anything. “I’m so h10.that I don’t want to hear anything!” says Mr Smith.
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