
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。David goes to town(镇)with his horse(马)Jolly. Today he wants to _______ a lot of things for the winter. There' s only one _________in town. It's Old Fred's 's shop. David goes into the shop. Fred says, Hi, David! Good to see you. _________can I do for you today?“Hi, Fred, says David, Well, first, I'd like some _________OK. How many?40 kilos, and some rice. How _________rice?30 kilos(公斤)_________, I'd like some potatoes. How many bags?Eight, David _________ No problem. Is that15.下列关于“种姓制度”的表述,不正确的是?(  )A.不同等级的人不许通婚B.缓和了社会矛盾C.等级之间界限森严D.等级之间贵贱分明
英语 试题推荐