
阅读下面句子,根据句子内容填空。从方框中选择恰当词组并用词组的正确形式填空。 refer to work out fight for take part in jump to one’s feet ahead of pick out be stuck in volunteer to increase the awareness of 【1】I believe that you can ________ the problem by yourself.【2】Last week, we ________ a talent show, which proved to be very interesting and rewarding.【3】With a joint effort, we finished the task ________ our planned schedule.【4】What we learn today will help us to realize our dreams, so let’s ________ our goals.【5】After the party, ---I don’t think he has found a job yet because I saw him at home just yesterday. ---________! No problem       B. Maybe            C. Exactly           D. Good id
英语 试题推荐