
就业是民生之本、财富之源。当前,总量压力大、结构性矛盾突出依然是我国就业问题的基本面。为此,2018年中央经济工作会议把稳就业摆在了“六稳”的首位,2019年政府工作报告首次将就业优先政策置于宏观政策层面。党和国家的这一重要安排①旨在强化全社会重视就业、支持就业的导向②有利于增强消费对经济发展的基础性作用③是有效解决我国就业问题的根本途径④是劳动者实现就业的内在要求和前提A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ③④用下面的单词填空   back, bad, decide,  everyone, fall, good, last, what, with, world   Two Chinese skaters,Zhang Dan and her partner Zhang Hao,won an Olympic silver(银牌)the year before1 year.   To win the gold medal in the 2006 Winter Olympic Games,this pair of skaters 2 to do a special action(动作),which they had done before.Unluckily,Zhang Dan 3 to the ice heavily and her legs were 4 hurt.How painful! When all the people thought they would give up the game,Zhang Dan and Zhang Hao came 5 to the ice field.6 a brave girl! Everyone was moved and gave them a warm welcome.   When the music started again,they went on 7 the show.They did all the actions well and finished their performance.8 stood up and cheered.They got the second place,but in everyone's heart,they were the 9 ndline.They showed their great courage to the10 .And they told people that success belongs to the people who preserve(坚持).
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