
Some people think trees ____ on Tree Planting Day only.A. should plant B. should be plantedC. should be plant D. should be planting 答案:【答案】B【解析】句意:一些人认为应该只在植树节的时候种树。should plant应该种植;should be planted是被动语态;C形式错误;should be planting应该正在种植。根据题干可知一些人们认为种树应该只在植树节,其中trees和plant是被动关系,且句中有情态动词should,则此处应用含情态动词的被动语态should be done根据你所听到的短文内容,填入所缺的单词。     I'll tell you 1.             about Halloween. Halloween is on 2.            31st. The 3.             always dress upas 4.            at Halloween.They make their own special 5.             lanterns. And they play a game 6.            "trick or treat". Usually 7.            give them candies as a treat. The 8.            always have a party. At the 9.           , they have a lot of things. They 10.             Halloween very much.
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