
The City Bank was broken into yesterday at 8 p.m. The police were questioning two men, John Smith and his brother Joseph Smith.A Policeman Interviewed With John SmithJohn Smith was asked, “What did you do last night?” He answered, “I was with my brother, Joseph, all the time. I arrived at my brother’s house at about 6:45 and we watched TV until about 7:30. We watched the news and a baseball game. Then we walked into the town center and had a meal at a restaurant. I can’t remember the name of the restaurant. It was a big one, but it was almost empty. We both had fish and chips. We l某化学兴趣小组同学查阅资料后发现有许多金属的盐对过氧化氢分解具有催化作用,为比较FeCl3和CuSO4两种盐对H2O2分解的催化效果,他们分成甲、乙两组,分别设计了如图一、图二所示的实验并进行了实验.(设两种盐溶液质量分数相等).(1)指出仪器名称:A   B (2)写出该反应的化学方程式 (3)图一可通过观察 来定性比较得出结论.有同学提出将药品CuSO4改为CuCl2更为合理,原理是 .(4)利用图二实验要求装置气密性良好,把A开关打开使液面高于下端,将注射器栓塞向左推动时,若装置气密性良好,看到的现象是 .(5)注射器除了像实验中可以用来代替集气瓶收集气体之外,在不同的实验中通常还可代替 等仪器.
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