
I had always cared about sick children and tried to help them. But when my little grandson received third degree burns, I learned first-hand how ______ a loving adult feels when his/her child is suffering and he/she can’t take the pain away. This experience _______ me to feel sorry for parents with sick children.One mom told me that she _______ like running into the street and screaming, “My child is sick. Would somebody please help us?” It breaks my ________ that these parents are so anxiously(忧虑地) searching for someone to care and help them ______ the hard times of watching 如图所示,用甲乙两个滑轮将同样的钩码缓慢提升相同的高度,则下列说法正确的是A. F1与F2大小相等 B. 甲中绳的自由端移动的距离比乙大C. F1做的总功比F2多 D. 甲的机械效率比乙高
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