
In 2015, US actress Brie Larson took home the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in the movie Room. These days, the 29-year-old is standing her ground as a superhero.Larson plays Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel, in the movie of the same name. As a superhero, she has many superpowers, such as being able to fly as fast as light. The movie has become a huge success.When Larson was offered the role, she didn’t accept it at the beginning. I am not a person with much confidence. So, I needed a little bit of time to see if I can do it… she said. Larson is no stranger to Holly11.某班兴趣小组对“江南地区在魏晋南北朝时期为什么能得到开发?”作了专题研究,其中分析合理的有(  )①北民南迁带去了先进生产技术    ②南方统治者重视发展农业③南北方人民的辛勤劳动    ④南方战乱少,社会秩序相对安定。A.①②③④B.①②③C.②③④D.①③④
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