
That morning, we noticed a cab following Sir Henry and Dr.Mortimer in London. But who?We went to Sir Henry's hotel. Holmes asked Dr. Mortimer if anyone with a black beard lived in or near Baskerville Hall.“Yes, said Dr.Mortimer,“Barrymore. “We must send a telegram to check whether Barrymore is in London or at Baskerville Hall, said Holmes.Sir Henry said he wanted to go to Baskerville Hall.“OK”, said Holmes. “But you mustn't go alone. Watson can go with you. Sir Henry and I agreed to take the 10:30 train on Saturday.Holmes thought deeply on the way home: the story of the Hound, Sir 关于黄土高原的说法错误的是(  )A.属于湿润地区B.塬墚峁是地表主要地貌C.煤炭资源丰富D.华夏文明发祥地之一
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