
Who is Li Ziqi? For 7 million YouTube viewers and 20 million Weibo users, it’s easy to answer. The 29-year-old vlogger’s videos about her country life recently went viral (走红). Her fans call her “the goddess of nature”.She is worthy of this title. Cooking, painting, designing, farming ... she practises and is master of many kinds of skills. In her videos, Li wears hanfu that she made herself. She also rears silkworms in order to sew quilts. Li grows plants as well. She is often seen preparing meals with vegetables picked from her backyard. She eats a seasonal diet.“She performs t蓄电池充电后即使不用,储存的能量也会逐渐损失但其电压变 化很小,可认为恒定不变.如图是电压为12伏、容量为15A?h的某品牌蓄电池剩余容量随时间变化的图线.现有一只该种蓄电池充足电,存放6个月,用来给额定电压为12伏、额定功率为36瓦的电灯供电.求:(1)蓄电池充电时是把______转化为______(2)蓄电池容量为“15A?h”,它表示:若该蓄电池以1安的电流为用电器供电,可以工作15小时;则当该蓄电池以2安的电流为用电器供电时,可以工作______小时.(2)存放6个月的该蓄电池最多可给此灯提供______焦的电能.
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