
(An excerpt from <Jack’s Endless Summer>)Then one evening, Jack is sitting in his room looking out of the window. Jim is sitting on the bed playing with his rocket. It is a cool evening at last. A light wind is blowing. Summer is finally coming to an end.It is a quiet evening, too. For once, nobody is playing loud music. Jack can only hear the distant sound of the traffic on the ring road around Westbourne.Suddenly there is a noise in the back garden. Nemo jumps onto the fence, looks up at the sky, and meows.“What is he looking at?” thinks Jack.And then he hears a distant cry. A stra直线y=x+1截抛物线y2=2px所得弦长为2,此抛物线方程为(  ) A.y2=2x                             B.y2=6x C.y2=-2x或y2=6x                  D.以上都不对
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