
听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【1】When did Alisha realize she wanted to be famous?A.When she was at secondary school.B.When a girl she knew joined in a TV show.C.When her classmate encouraged her to go on a TV show.【2】How did Alisha feel when she heard the result of the talent competition?A.Relieved. B.Disappointed. C.Annoyed.【3】What did the newspapers say after the talent show?A.They praised Alisha for her singing.B.They commented on Alisha’s appearance.C.They criticized Alisha’s performance style.【4】What advice does Alisha give on friendship?A.Treasure your 图1表示细胞分裂的不同时期核DNA分子数与染色体数比例的变化关系,图2表示某动物细胞分裂处于不同时期的图像(仅示部分染色体)。请据图回答问题:(1)图1 BC段细胞中发生的变化主要是__。DE段形成的原因是__。 (2)图2过程发生在__(填器官名称)中,其中__细胞处于图1中的CD段。 (3)图2甲细胞处于__时期,该细胞中共含有__个DNA(仅考虑核DNA)。 (4)图2丙细胞产生的子细胞的名称是__。
英语 试题推荐