
In 2011, a law was born. A kind of ladybug(瓢虫)became the state insect of North Dakota. When the governor _____ the bill into law, four kids stood behind him!Jaden, Logan, Megan and Isabel were in first grade _____ their idea for a law was born. Megan and Logan were farm kids and they had been _____ with the ladybug already. They knew that farmers had difficulty in _____ crop-eating pests called aphids and that ladybugs tended to _____ on aphids. The more ladybugs were around, the fewer _____ the farmers had to use.They decided that this ladybug should be their state insect. This ladybu “辽宁”号航母是我国第一艘可搭载固定翼飞机的航空母舰,舰长304米,舰宽70.5米,航母吃水深度10.5米,标准排水量57000吨,满载排水量67500吨。则满载时该舰所受浮力为_________N,舰底所受海水的压强约为________Pa.(取ρ海水=1.0×103kg/m3,g=10N/kg)
英语 试题推荐