
2019年1月9日,央视播出了《一抓到底正风纪——秦岭违建整治始末》专题片。习总书记先后六次就“秦岭违建”作出批示,地方官员却层层瞒报,整而未治、阳奉阴违、禁而不绝,形式主义,积重难返。最终,中央利剑出鞘,一些干部被依法问责,受到严厉惩处。上述事件表明①要坚持法无禁止即可为,公开“权力清单” ②要有效监督和制约权力,防止“权力任性”③要切实完善法律法规,实现“权责法定” ④要落实民主集中制原则,确保“令行禁止”A. ①③ B. Paul is a college(大学)student. Now he is at home, And he is in the yard(院子)with his father. His father is very old now. His father sees a thing in the tree and asks him, "What's that, Paul?""It's a bird(鸟)," Paul says. Then the father asks him again, "What's that, Paul?""It is a bird," Paul tells him again. Later, the father asks him the same quest ion. Paul gets angry and says loudly(大声地)to his father, "It is a bird. I tell you many times(许多次).”The father doesn't say anything. He goes to the house and then comes back with an old diary(日记)book in his hand. Then he rends one page, "Today my son asks me a thing in the tree. I tell him it is a bird. He asks me many times and I tell him many times…” After that, Paul says sorry to his father.1.How many times does the father ask Paul the same question?A.Three times B.Four timesC.Five times D.Many times2.The underlined word "angry" mean “____________” in Chinese.A.生气的 B.惊奇的 C.疲倦的 D.兴奋的3.Why does the father go to the house from the yard?A.Because he wants to watch TV.B.Because he wants to get a diary book.C.Because he wants to have a rest(休息).D.Because he does not like that bird.4.From the passage,we can infer(推断)that____________.A.Paul's father does not like Paul at allB.Paul doesn't know that is a birdC.Paul should be patient(有耐心的)with his fatherD.Paul's father often reads his diaries to his son
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