
Mason’s Clothes StoreClothesColorPricesockswhite, blue$4trousersblack$11sweaterred, white$8T-shirtred, green, black$7Hatblack, red$6【1】Which is the cheapest of all?A.Hat. B.Trousers. C.Socks.【2】How much are two sweaters and a hat?A.$22. B.$21. C.$20.【3】You can buy ______.A.black socks B.black trousers C.a green sweater【4】You like black and you only have $7. You can take ______.A.trousers B.a hat C.socks【5】How many kinds of color are there in Mason’s store?A.Eight. B.Six. C.Five.有十种物质:①铁丝;②CO气体;③CO2气体;④硫酸;⑤CaO固体;⑥盐酸;⑦(NH4) 2SO4晶体;⑧熔融NaOH;⑨液态氯化氢;⑩酒精,以上物质中:(1)属于非电解质的有       (填代号),属于酸性氧化物的有          (填代号),题中所示状态能导电且属于电解质的有          (填代号)。(2)属于盐的物质其电离方程式为:                             。
英语 试题推荐