
美国匹兹堡市曾以钢铁工业著称,20世纪70年代末,匹兹堡的钢铁工业陷入持续、全面衰退。20世纪80年代以来,匹兹堡逐步转变为高技术产业为主导的现代工业城市,以“绿色”“宜居”“科技”等新的城市形象示人。下图为匹兹堡产业转型演变图。据此完成下列问题。 【1】匹兹堡产业转型的主要表现为( )①产业结构由单一向多元演变 ②产业发展方向由轻工业向重工业演变 ③产业布局由集聚走向分散 ④人地关系由紧张走向协调A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C.通读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。请将正确答案序号按要求涂在答题卡指定的位置上。Mulan Ci is a famous Chinese ancient poem. It tells a story of a girl named Hua Mulan in Northern Wei Dynasty.Mulan’s country wasn’t so ______ that it was destroyed by the enemies at times. To protect the country, the emperor required one man from each family_____the army. The only man in her family, her 60-year-old father had to join. Mulan decided to take the place of him. At that time, women were not ______ to enlist(入伍). In order not to be seen through, she dressed herself up _______a man. In the army, Mulan acted just like a man. She spoke in a man’s ______ , walked with big steps. During the battles, she was as ______ as a man. Also, she was very smart. She always had good ______ that helped beat their enemies. At last, Hua Mulan’s army won the______victory(胜利). The emperor offered Mulan a high official position to ______ her courage and achievement, but she refused. When she changed back to her women’s clothes, all her comrades(战友) were ______ shocked.Mulan’s story might be a legend(传说;传奇). But her achievement is well worth learning.1.A. weak B. strong C. weakly D. strongly2.A. take part in B. joinning C. to join D. to take part in3.A. allowed B. allow C. to allow D. allowing4.A. as B. for C. with D. about5.A. sound B. voice C. shout D. noise6.A. scared B. nervous C. lazy D. brave7.A. news B. information C. thoughts D. knowledge8.A. finally B. final C. begin D. beginning9.A. remember B. serve C. support D. praise10.A. recent B. recently C. great D. greatly
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