
I met my current step mom for the first time when I moved to America and was reunited with my father.I remember when I first _______ her at the airport. It was different, but not _____. Over the past years there is _____ I needed that she did not provide. I’m the young woman I am today because she made sure to _____ me properly. Yesterday I went to see her for Mother’s Day. When I gave her ______, she held my face in both of her hands and kissed me straight on the mouth ______ I had the flu.Her simple act of affection ______ me back to my first night in America. After I was ______ up from 关于场强和电势的下列说法中,正确的是[   ] A、在电场中a、b两点问移动电荷的过程中,电场力始终不做功,则电荷所经过路径上的各点的场强一定为零; B、电场强度的方向就是电势降落最快的方向; C、两个等量同种电荷的电场中,从两电荷连线的中点沿连线的中垂线向外,电势越来越低,场强越来越小; D、两个等量异种电荷的电场中,两电荷连线的中垂线上各点的电势均相等,而连线的中点场强最大,沿中垂线向外,场强越来越小。
英语 试题推荐